Frequency Infused Meditations
Welcome to cosmic infusions. A divine portal where you connect to higher realms, receive spiritual nourishment, and unlock your healing gifts.
I open the frequency of your space to facilitate your connection with higher realms in safe and accessible journeys. After your session, I'll share my insights to help you integrate and get the most of the experience.
Become a bright pillar of light for the world. Join a collective of cosmic souls who rise together, lift each other, and light up the world. Be part of the literal wave of light that carries us to ever-blossoming presence.
Experience the Power of Connection.
What partipicants are saying
"I could feel the energy around me lifting and getting lighter immediately. Incredibly healing space for you to shift into the next level."
Amazing!! As soon as I closed my eyes, I felt a wave of energy come into my crown chakra and move down and out, and tears welled up. Tears of joy for finding "home".
"Powerful stuff. I felt loved and deserving. The energy just continued to pick up momentum. That energy was the catalyst for a new me. This energy has only continued."
More Love
"Aloha Josh, in gratitude for the divine reflection of love and light. It was an honor to walk the path with your insight and dedication to life. I have had some wonderful epiphanies since we sat. So many moments of clarity have flown through me as well."
Our practice together is providing a rich, supportive, vibrant, exciting and invaluable education. My boundaries and beliefs have been dissolved and fortified in just the right places. My (healing) skills have multiplied. My deepest love and gratitude for you. May we continue to raise the bar for ourselves in this human experience.
"I really appreciate you! I can't stop thanking you for all that you do for me and for helping me break these shackles!"
My name is Josh
After a series of spontaneous downloads through meditation and esoteric texts, my patients (Acupuncture) started having profound journeys, ie. contact with higher realms. These journeys started happening without acupuncture needles, regardless of distance. Across the country, with me on one coast, clients on another, the sessions are extraordinary and profound. I am here to help you receive cosmic infusions and become the expanded self; the Cosmic Human.
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